What we believe
South Ruislip Christian Fellowship (formerly known as Deane Avenue Evangelical Church) is a group of Christians based in South Ruislip. What brings us together is the belief that Jesus Christ died by crucifixion for our sins, and rose to live again.
We believe that as a result we can receive forgiveness, and be saved from the punishment that our sins deserve. We receive this simply by saying to God that we are sorry for our sins, asking for forgiveness, and believing the promises that God has made. These promises include the fact that God the Holy Spirit will give us the power to live the sort of lives Jesus, God the Son, wants us to live, if we are willing.
We believe that the Bible is reliable, and a guide to what God has revealed to men and women. It follows that we believe that He has entrusted us with the task of telling people about His saving message.
We welcome all people of whatever background or circumstance, regardless of race, sex or religion to our services.
South Ruislip Christian Fellowship,
responding to the love of God in Jesus Christ.
Jesus commanded us to love in four ways. Our response is expressed in four ‘responses’ ~
1. Love God
Worship is to include everyone, to come from the heart and spirit with integrity to God the Father, with variety.
Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Discipleship is the proper response of a Christian to the love of God and involves knowing God’s instructions and doing them.
Teaching is to be based on the Bible as the inspired word of God.
2 and 3. Love your neighbour, and your enemy
Telling the Good news. We are committed to go and make disciples; baptising them; and teaching them all that Jesus commanded
Serving the community. God calls us to express his love for the world around us. We seek to assist and care for everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race or religion.
Missionary and other links We keep informed and pray for the church world wide and support Stewart & Carol in South Africa.
4. Love one another
Fellowship is characterised by looking out for each other, encouraging one another and seeking practically to support one another.
Serving one another means we plan to build one another up by developing gifts, giving financially and making time for one another.