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Giving at SRCF

There are various ways of giving: your time, your energy, your enthusiasm, your gifts, as well as your money.


Our church was built by volunteers [see our History page] and has been kept open by unpaid volunteers until we employed a pastor in 1996. Whilst our spiritual welfare is cared for, there is much for our members to do to keep the church open, and services and other activities taking place - how else would we be able to drink a cup of tea after the Sunday morning service? Some maintenance is carried out by members, some require professional attention.


Our funds are divided into two: South Ruislip Christian Trust, and South Ruislip Christian Fellowship. Giving financially to the Trust, will enable our Pastor to be paid. Giving financially to the Fellowship, will enable bills to be paid, equipment to be bought, etc.


We use the services of [link opens in a new window/tab] to manage our finances, so if you want to give to either fund, please use the buttons below to go to our pages on their website. Giving in this way can be a one off donation or regular amounts, and can be boosted by Gift Aid. If you prefer to give directly into our bank, please check out the back page of the weekly notice sheet, or speak to one of the Leadership Team in church. We thank you for your gifts, and pray that God will bless you through your giving.


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